
Android studio logcat link to file line
Android studio logcat link to file line

android studio logcat link to file line

To download packages for an operating system different from the current machine. Set this variable to windows, macosx, or linux when To override the user preferences location for those older tools setĪNDROID_SDK_HOME to the parent directory you would like the Some older tools, such as Android Studio 4.3 and below, do not read Sets the path to the user preferences directory for tools that are part of the Android SDK. If you continue to use it, Android Studio and the Android Gradle plugin willĬheck that the old and new variables are consistent. The value does not typically change, and can be shared by multiple users on the same machine.ĪNDROID_SDK_ROOT, which also points to the SDK installation directory, Sets the path to the SDK installation directory. Environment variables Android SDK environment variables The following table describes commonly used environment variables for the Android SDK tools. Its default location of $USER_HOME or $HOME. When the SDK installation has been put in E:\Android\sdk\ instead of in The following example shows how to use an environment variable to launch an emulator

android studio logcat link to file line

This page describes the most commonly used environment variables. Specify things like where the SDK is installed and where user-specific data is stored. You can set environment variables for Android Studio and the command-line tools that

Android studio logcat link to file line